First day of a brand new year - first photo. Let this year be a year of triumphs and success. :)
To everyone who is interested: it's a photography project where you take a photo each day and post it on line. It doesn't matter whether you're a professional photographer or not. You just need a camera (phone, compact, DSLR,..).
I think it's a neat project to keep me busy and motivated throughout the year. :)
Today's title of the picture is The Promise and with the picture I wanted to say that this year I promise to start anew - be more positive, optimistic, forgiving etc.
SLO: Če koga zanima: to je foto projekt, kjer ustvariš eno fotko na dan in jo objaviš na netu. Ni ti treba biti profi v fotkanju, važno je le, da imaš neke vrste aparat za fotkat (telefon, kompaktni, DSLR,...). Pa seveda veliko motivacije, da temu projektu slediš. Ni potrebno, da so fotke popolne. Najboljše fotke so tako ali tako spontane. :)
Naslov današnje fotke je Obljuba in za letos sem sklenila, da bom začela na novo - da bom bolj pozitivna, optimistična itd. :)
DISCLAIMER: Projekta si nisem izmislila jaz, ampak sem idejo dobila tukaj:
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