ponedeljek, 20. januar 2014

#20 Pristno

Pristna je prav vsaka izmed teh 4-peresnih deteljic. Štiriperesne deteljice so kot prstni vtisi. Tudi dve nista enaki. Pravijo, da boš imel veliko srečo, če najdeš tako deteljico. Jaz sem jih lani našla okrog 50. Zdaj so suhe in shranjene med platnicami knjig. Večino sem jih že razdelila med prijatelje v obliki razglednic, kazal za knjige itd. Ostale pa še čakajo na svoje lastnike. :)

ENG: ''Genuine''...Each of these four-leaf clovers is genuine. They are like fingerprints. Unique. No two are alike. They say that you'll have luck if you find a four-leaf clover. I found around 50 such clovers last year. They have dried up and are stored between book covers. I've given most of them away to my friends. I made them into greeting cards, postcards, bookmarks etc. Others are still waiting for their owners. :)

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