petek, 17. januar 2014

#17 Dom

Današnja fotka je bila izziv. Na koncu sem se odločila, da bom slikala svoji 2 sobi, saj sem namreč ena izmed redkih, ki ima kar 2 domova. :) Prva slika prikazuje sobo v domu, kjer sem odraščala, druga pa sobo v domu, kjer živim sedaj. :) Povsod je lepo, a doma je najlepše, kajne? :)

ENG: 'Home' - Today's photo was really a challenge for me. In the end I decided to take photos of both my rooms. I am one of those rare lucky people who have 2 homes and not just one. :) The first photo is of my room from the home I grew up in and the second is from the home I'm currently living in :) However, people say that home is where the heart is. :)

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