petek, 28. februar 2014
#59 Nebeški
Nebeški je bil danes tale krof, ko sem prišla utrujena domov in mi je cuker padel. :)
ENG: ''Heavenly'' - This donut tasted heavenly when I came home craving for sugar. :)
#58 Berem
Včeraj sem brala tale Mozartov Benedictus, ker ga jutri pojem na poroki. :)
ENG: ''I Read'' - Yesterday I was reading this Benedictus by Mozart, 'cause I'm singing it tomorrow at a wedding. :)
sreda, 26. februar 2014
#57 Ponovitev
Ker še nisem orgelski virtuoz, potrebujem veliko vaj in ponavljanja. ;)
ENG: ''Repetition'' - Since I am not yet an organ virtuoso, I need a lot of practice and repetition. ;)
torek, 25. februar 2014
#56 Preprost
Preprosto čudovit pogled na tale žafran sredi spečega gozda. :)
ENG: ''Simple'' - Simply a beautiful sight to see this saffron in the middle of a sleeping forest. :)
ponedeljek, 24. februar 2014
#55 Poseben
Na sprehodu po gozdu mi je bil danes zelo poseben tale štor, ki je imel v svoji luknjici deževnico.
ENG: ''Special'' - While walking through the forest today I noticed this stump and I found it special, because in its hollow there was rain water. :)
nedelja, 23. februar 2014
sobota, 22. februar 2014
#53 Ko odrastem
Ko odrastem, bom vizažistka v gledališču! :)
ENG: ''When I Grow up''... I will be a make-up artist in the theatre. :)
#52 Živ
Na včerajšnjem sprehodu skozi gozd sem opazila, da je kljub opustošenju, ki ga je pustila ledena ujma, narava več kot živa. Ptički so prepevali, rožice so poganjale. Vse se pripravlja na pomlad. :)
ENG: ''Alive'' - On my walk through the forest yesterday I noticed that even after the great devastation left by the icy storm, nature is more than alive. The birds were singing, the flowers were waking up. Everything is getting ready for the Spring. :)
četrtek, 20. februar 2014
sreda, 19. februar 2014
torek, 18. februar 2014
#49 Mraz
V tale šal sem bila zadnje dni zavita kot tale medvedek. Upam, da se pomlad prebudi in prepodi mraz. :)
ENG: ''Cold'' - Lately, I've been wrapped tightly in the scarf you see around the teddy bear. I hope Spring awakens soon and locks away this cold. :)
ponedeljek, 17. februar 2014
#48 Tam
Tam pri mojem vzglavniku je Tobijev najljubši plac za dremanje. :) Čeprav ve, da ne sme. :)
ENG: ''There'' to my pillow is Tobi's favourite place to take a nap. :) Even though he knows not to. :)
#47 Senca
Senca, ki jo naredi tale prikupna svetilka v temi. :)
ENG: ''Shadow'' ... made by this adorable lamp in the darkness. :)
#46 Spomin
Sobota je bila idealen dan za tole temo, saj sva šle s sestro na izlet v Verono. Lepo mesto z bogato zgodovino. Najbolj pa mi bo ostala v spominu tale tržnica posvečena Valentinovemu, kjer so 4 dni prodajali čokolade vseh oblik in okusov. :)
ENG: ''Memory'' - Saturday was the perfect day for this topic, because my sister and I went to Verona, Italy for a one-day trip. A beautiful city with a lot of history. However, my memory will not be of Romeo and Juliet but of this market which was dedicated to Valentine's day, where they sell all kinds of chocolate goodies. :)
petek, 14. februar 2014
#45 Romantičen
Romantični so poljubčki in objemčki. :) Pa ne samo za Valentinovo, ampak vsak dan! :)
ENG: ''Romantic'' -Romantic are hugs and kisses. :) Not only for Valentine's Day but every day. :)
četrtek, 13. februar 2014
#44 Kriv
Krivo se počutim danes, ko sem namesto vadenja orgel raje ustvarjala z ličili in ustvarila take umetniški make-up izgled na tematiko jutrišnjega valentinovega dne. :)
ENG: ''Guilty'' - I feel guilty today, because I chose to be creative with my make-up instead of practising organ playing. I came up with this make-up look, which was inspired by another make-up guru on YouTube. It is connected to tomorrow's Valentine's Day! :)
sreda, 12. februar 2014
#43 Rob
Moje nove črne stiletke! Od konic, do robov in pet - popolnost! :)
ENG: ''Edge'' - My new black stilettos! The edges, heels, everything - pure perfection! :)
torek, 11. februar 2014
#42 Oster
Ravno pravšnja tema, saj sem bila ''prisiljena'' ošiliti moje barvice, da imajo sedaj spet ostre konice in so pripravljene na novo ustvarjanje. :)
ENG: ''Sharp'' - An ideal time for me to sharpen my colour pencils and prepare them for new creative adventures. :)
ponedeljek, 10. februar 2014
#41 Zelen
Gumijasti medvedkiiiii! :) Sicer so vseh možnih barv, ampak moji najljubši so zeleni! :)
ENG: ''Green'' - Gummy bears! :) They come in all colours, but my favourite are the green ones. :)
nedelja, 9. februar 2014
#40 Legendaren
Legendarne so naše orgle, ki so stare že več kot 100 let in kjub počenemu mehu še vedno lepo zvenijo. :) Orgle nasploh so legendaren inštrument. :)
ENG: ''Legendary'' - Legendary is the organ from our church. It's over 100 years old and even though it has broken bellows its sound it still beautiful. :) The organ (any organ) is a legendary musical instrument. :)
sobota, 8. februar 2014
#39 Mehak
Tele 3 puhke sem kupila v ZDA, ker so bili takoooo mehki. Vsak je iz drugega kraja ZDA in ima svojo zgodbo, zakaj je pristal v mojem kovčku. :)
ENG: ''Soft'' - I bought these 3 furballs in the USA just because they were sooooo soft. Each of them comes from a different place in the USA and has its own story why it ended up in my suitcase. :)
petek, 7. februar 2014
#38 Drugačen
Obožujem make-up! :) In kot del bolj večernih mejkapov so umetne trepalnice. Te na sliki so malce drugačne od standardnih. :) Sem jih kupila, ker bom ekperimentirala z mejkapom letos za pusta. :)
ENG: ''Different'' - I love make-up! :) A big part of evening make-up looks are false lashes. The ones in the picture are a bit different from the standard black ones. :) I bought them 'cause I will experiment with make-up for this year's Mardi Gras. :)
četrtek, 6. februar 2014
#37 Odklon
Spet ena težjih tem. Izziv. Odklon svetlobe v ogledalu. :)
ENG: ''Deviation'' - Again, one of those difficult themes. A challenge. Deviation of light in the mirror.
sreda, 5. februar 2014
#36 Manipulacija
Manipulacija narave. Kaj vse je zmožna narava? Čeprav je bila razglašena naravna katastrofa, si ne morem kaj kot tudi v tem najti nekaj magičnega in pravljičnega.
ENG: ''Manipulation'' - Nature's manipulation. How great nature really is and what it's capable of! It constantly amazes me. Even though it was called a natural disaster I can't help myself in finding something magical in all of this.
#35 Misel
Konec tretjega dneva smo končno stopili spet v svet civilizacije. Moje misli so bile z gasilci, prostovoljci in vsemi, ki so (in še vedno) na kakršenkoli način pomagali in se trudili, da smo nekateri že lahko na toplem.
ENG: ''Thought'' - At the end of day 3 we finally got electricity and hot water back. My thoughts were with the firemen and volunteers who helped (and are still trying to help) people all over Slovenia and beacuse of them some of us don't have to spend another night in the cold.
#34 Svetloba
Dan 2 je bil še vedno odet v temo. Edino svetlobo so romantično podarjale sveče vseh velikosti. :)
ENG: ''Light'' - Day 2 was also covered in darkness. The only light came from candles of all sizes and colours. It was quite romantic. :)
#33 Tu stojim
Končno: civilizacija! Čeprav mi jo je vreme kar konkretno zagodlo in sem bila 4 dni brez elektrike, sem vseeno vsak dan šklocnila po nekaj fotk, ker nisem vedela, kakšne so teme za februar. Tu stojim v nedeljo pred svojim avtom prekritim z ledom. Grozno, kaj je narava zmožna.
ENG: ''Here I stand'' - Nature has outdone itself this time. Sleet covered Slovenia, damaged forests and disconnected people from the rest of the world. Even though I was without electricity for almost 4 days, I took a few photos each day, not knowing what the themes for February were. Here I'm standing infront of my car covered in ice. It was Sunday.
sobota, 1. februar 2014
#32 Jaz, danes
Jaz sem si danes pogledala eno lepo pesem za jutrišnji praznik svečnice. Te pesmi že dolgo nisem igrala in mi je zelo všeč, saj je luštna spremljava za levo roko. :) Upam samo, da mi je ne bo zagodel kakšen sneg, ker potem bom zelo težko prišla do cerkve.
ENG: ''Me, Today'' - Today, I opened a church song book and looked at a very beautiful song for tomorrow's holiday Candlemas. I like this song beacuse it has a lovely theme for the left hand. :) I just hope there won't be any snow tomorrow, otherwise I can say goodbye to going to mass.
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