nedelja, 28. september 2014

#271 Spomin

Obujanje spominov na sprehodu skozi gozd.

ENG: ''Memory'' - Recalling memories while on a walk through the forest.

#270 Takoj

Bohinj, sonček, dobra družba - takoj me spravi v dobro voljo. :)

ENG: ''Immediately'' - Bohinj, the sun and good company - the stuff which immediately gets into good mood.

#269 Berem

Berem novo številko Cosma.

ENG: ''I Read'' ... the new edition of Cosmo.

#268 Rokav

Sezona dolgih rokavov se je pričela.

ENG: ''Sleeve'' - The season for long sleeves has begun.

#267 Balzam

Balzam za dušo. :)

ENG: ''Balm'' - For the soul... :)

#266 Knjiga

Knjige so vedno dobre za takšno ali drugačno podporo. :)

ENG: ''Book'' - Books can always be used for support, be it spiritual or physical. :)

ponedeljek, 22. september 2014

#265 Pohajkovati

Pohajkovanje po gozdu in iskanje sončnih žarkov. :)

ENG: ''To Wander'' - Wandering around the forest in search of sun rays. :)

#264 Blagodejen

Po nedeljskih maša se je blagodejno usesti, popiti kavico in spočiti misli ob dobri knjigi. :)

ENG: ''Beneficent'' - After every Sunday mass it's beneficient to just sit down, have a cup of coffee and relax your thoughts with a good book. :)

#263 Mama

Nekateri imajo otroke, jaz sem pa mama mojim kosmatincem. :)

ENG: ''Mother'' - Some people have children, but I'm a mother to my furballs. :)

#262 E-pošta

Navadna pisma so še vedno bolj avtentična in romantična od e-pošte.

ENG: ''E-mail'' - Regular letters are still more authentic and romantic than e-mail letters.

#261 Brezmejno

Moj paket vsebuje brezmejne minute na vse telefonske klice.

ENG: ''Unlimited'' - My package includes unlimited minutes for all calls.

sreda, 17. september 2014

#260 Tuj

Nov program za učenje angleščine kot prvega tujega jezika.

ENG: ''Foreign'' - A new programme for teaching English as a first foreign language.

#259 Časopis

Kup časopisov pripravljen za zbiratelje starega papirja.

ENG: ''Newspaper'' - A pile of newspapers ready for the ones who collect old paper.

#258 Objem

Crkljanje in objemanje z mojim kosmatincem. :)

ENG: ''Hug'' - Cuddling and hugging with my furball. :)

#257 Najboljši

Najboljšega sprejema in pogostitve smo bili do sedaj deležni v Romuniji. :)

ENG: ''The Best'' - Our best hosts so far have been the people of Romania. :)

#256 Hvala

Hvala naši romunski vodički, k nam je naredila te prelepe zapestnice. :)

ENG: ''Thanks'' ... to our Romanian guide who made us these beautiful bracelets. :)

#255 Ljubezen

Ljubezen do Boga tudi v Romuniji. Kamorkoli sem šla, je bilo veliko cerkva.

ENG: ''Love'' - The love for God was also found in Romania. Everywhere I went there was an abundance of churches and temples.

#254 Modern

Laptop in pametni telefon - zelo moderno zame. :)

ENG: ''Modern'' - A laptop and a smart phone - very modern for me. :)

#253 Razmišljam

Razmišljam, kako napisati letne priprave za moje tečaje.

ENG: ''I Contemplate''... how to write the annual plans for my courses.

torek, 9. september 2014

petek, 5. september 2014

#248 Papir

Barvni papir za razna ustvarjanja.

ENG: ''Paper'' - Colour paper for different kinds of crafting.

#247 Sonce

Celo uro je zjutraj sonce sijalo, zato sem zelo uživala ob jutranji kavici.

ENG: ''Sun'' - The sun was shining for an entire hour in the morning which made my morning coffee routine extremely fun.

#246 Citat

Najljubši citat po katerem poskušam živeti.

ENG: ''Quote'' - My favourite quote which I try to live by.

torek, 2. september 2014

#245 Tu stojim

Ponovno v gumijastih škornjih in v luži.

ENG: ''Here I Stand'' - In my rubber boots and in a puddle again.

#244 Jaz, danes

... se zopet učim za strokovni izpit.

ENG: ''Me, Today'' - Studying yet again for the professional exam.