četrtek, 31. julij 2014

#212 Človek

Človek je izjemno bitje. Vsak ima več talentov in znanj, ki jih skozi leta ohranja in nadgrajuje.

ENG: ''Human'' - A human being is a remarkable creature. Each of us has a set of talents and as we grow older our talents evolve and become a part of us.

#211 Čarovnija

Čarovnija ostati zbran ob tako mamljivih igračkah (perje). :)

ENG: ''Magic'' - The magic of staying focused with such fun toys (feathers). :)

#210 Pogumen

Pogumno sem se lotila še enega telovadnega podviga.

ENG: ''Brave'' - I'm brave enough to do another exercise marathon.

#209 Peče

Letos ne potrebujem tako visokega faktorja, sam ni bojazni, da bi me sonce opeklo.

ENG: ''Burns'' - This year there is no need for high SPF. Since there aren't any sunny days, the sun can't burn my skin.

nedelja, 27. julij 2014

#208 Zid

Moja babica ima še vedno tako poslikane zidove kot je bilo včasih moderno.

ENG: ''Wall'' - My grandma still has the walls painted the old-fashioned way.

#207 Pod

Pod poletnim nebom.

ENG: ''Under''... the summer sky.

petek, 25. julij 2014

#206 Poletje

Letošnje poletje je čakanje, da dež poneha in igranje z novimi foto filtri. :)

ENG: ''Summer'' - This summer is mostly waiting for the rain to stop and playing with new photo filters. :)

#205 Vrel

Mladi krompirček. :)

ENG: ''Boiling'' - New potatoes. :)

četrtek, 24. julij 2014

#204 Berem

Berem oz. sem jo dokončala. Zelo lepo napisana zgodba, bogata raba jezikovnih struktur. Priporočam. :)

ENG: ''I Read''... I finished the novel in 2 days. Extremely bautifully written, rich in language structures. I highly recommend it. :)

torek, 22. julij 2014

#203 Večkrat

Večkrat se zgodi, da začnem brati novo knjigo preden končam s staro. Tako nastane kar lep kupček knjig.

ENG: ''Repeatedly'' - It happens, repeatedly, that I start reading a new book before I'm done with the old one. Therefore, there's a quite a nice pile of books waiting to be finished.

#202 Proces

Za res dobro kavo je najboljše kupiti kavo v zrnjih, ki jih tik pred kuhajem zmelješ. Aroma in okus sta božanska.

ENG: ''Process'' - For a really good coffee it's best to buy whole bean coffee, which you grind just before making the coffee. The aroma and taste are to die for.

#201 Višina

Pogled z ene planine na drugo planino.

ENG: ''Height'' - The view from one mountain to the other.

sobota, 19. julij 2014

#200 Trmasto

Trmasto privajam novo zaraščeno blazinico (na prstancu) na strune kitare. AUČ!

ENG: ''Stubborn'' - I stubbornly try to make the newly grown tip of my ring finger get used to the strings of the guitar. OUCH!

#199 Brezskrbnost

Len dan, z dobro knjigo in najboljšo družbo.

ENG: ''Care-free'' - A lazy day with a good book and the of company. 

četrtek, 17. julij 2014

#198 Nadarjen

Vsakdo je za nekaj nadarjen. Moje področje je ličenje. 

ENG: ''Gifted'' - Everyone is gifted for something. My area is make-up.

#197 Zamegljen

Dim sveže pripravljene kave.

ENG: ''Blurred'' - Smoke from the freshly made coffee.

#196 Seznam

Babičina dnevna doza zdravil.

ENG: ''List'' - Grandma's daily pill dosage.

ponedeljek, 14. julij 2014

#195 Moj

Vedno in zavedno! :)

ENG: ''Mine''  - Always and forever! :)

#194 Osvežujoč

Pivo vedno paše ob poletnih dnevih.

ENG: ''Refreshing''- Beer is always refreshing during summer.

#193 Pravljičen

Ena sama vrtnica je zbrala pogum in pognala med drevjem in grmovjem. :)

ENG: ''Fairy-tale'' - A single rose chose to grow between trees and bush. :)

četrtek, 10. julij 2014

#191 Koralna

Eden izmed prvih koralnih spevov.

ENG: ''Choral'' - One of the earliest choral songs.

#190 Dogovor

Ker že kar nekaj let nisem bila na dopustu, sem sklenila dogovor sama s sabo, da se bom drugo leto takle čas pražila na obali.

ENG: ''Agreement'' - Since I haven't been on vacation for many years now, I've made an agreement to lie on the beach this time next year.

#189 57

Ena izmed mnogih vaj pri harmoniji.

ENG: ''57'' - One of many harmonic exercises.

ponedeljek, 7. julij 2014

sobota, 5. julij 2014

#185 Nepredstavljiv

Ne predstavljam si dneva brez velike skodlice kave. :)

ENG: ''Unimaginable''  - I can't imagine a day without a big cup of coffee. :)

četrtek, 3. julij 2014

sreda, 2. julij 2014

#183 Tu stojim

Pred ogledalom z mokrimi lasmi v turbanu. :)

ENG: ''Here I Stand'' - In front of a mirror with wet hair in a turban. :)

#182 Jaz, danes

Danes sem naredila domači losjon za britje: pol skodelice šampona, 1 (in pol) skodelice balzama za lase in 5 jedilnih žlic losjona za telo. :)

ENG: ''Me, Today'' - Today, I created a homemade shaving lotion: half a cup of shampoo, 1 (and a half) cup of conditioner and 5 tbsps of body lotion. :)