četrtek, 31. julij 2014
#212 Človek
Človek je izjemno bitje. Vsak ima več talentov in znanj, ki jih skozi leta ohranja in nadgrajuje.
ENG: ''Human'' - A human being is a remarkable creature. Each of us has a set of talents and as we grow older our talents evolve and become a part of us.
#211 Čarovnija
Čarovnija ostati zbran ob tako mamljivih igračkah (perje). :)
ENG: ''Magic'' - The magic of staying focused with such fun toys (feathers). :)
#210 Pogumen
Pogumno sem se lotila še enega telovadnega podviga.
ENG: ''Brave'' - I'm brave enough to do another exercise marathon.
#209 Peče
Letos ne potrebujem tako visokega faktorja, sam ni bojazni, da bi me sonce opeklo.
ENG: ''Burns'' - This year there is no need for high SPF. Since there aren't any sunny days, the sun can't burn my skin.
nedelja, 27. julij 2014
petek, 25. julij 2014
#206 Poletje
Letošnje poletje je čakanje, da dež poneha in igranje z novimi foto filtri. :)
ENG: ''Summer'' - This summer is mostly waiting for the rain to stop and playing with new photo filters. :)
četrtek, 24. julij 2014
#204 Berem
Berem oz. sem jo dokončala. Zelo lepo napisana zgodba, bogata raba jezikovnih struktur. Priporočam. :)
ENG: ''I Read''... I finished the novel in 2 days. Extremely bautifully written, rich in language structures. I highly recommend it. :)
torek, 22. julij 2014
#203 Večkrat
Večkrat se zgodi, da začnem brati novo knjigo preden končam s staro. Tako nastane kar lep kupček knjig.
ENG: ''Repeatedly'' - It happens, repeatedly, that I start reading a new book before I'm done with the old one. Therefore, there's a quite a nice pile of books waiting to be finished.
#202 Proces
Za res dobro kavo je najboljše kupiti kavo v zrnjih, ki jih tik pred kuhajem zmelješ. Aroma in okus sta božanska.
ENG: ''Process'' - For a really good coffee it's best to buy whole bean coffee, which you grind just before making the coffee. The aroma and taste are to die for.
sobota, 19. julij 2014
#200 Trmasto
Trmasto privajam novo zaraščeno blazinico (na prstancu) na strune kitare. AUČ!
ENG: ''Stubborn'' - I stubbornly try to make the newly grown tip of my ring finger get used to the strings of the guitar. OUCH!
#199 Brezskrbnost
Len dan, z dobro knjigo in najboljšo družbo.
ENG: ''Care-free'' - A lazy day with a good book and the of company.
četrtek, 17. julij 2014
#198 Nadarjen
Vsakdo je za nekaj nadarjen. Moje področje je ličenje.
ENG: ''Gifted'' - Everyone is gifted for something. My area is make-up.
ponedeljek, 14. julij 2014
#193 Pravljičen
Ena sama vrtnica je zbrala pogum in pognala med drevjem in grmovjem. :)
ENG: ''Fairy-tale'' - A single rose chose to grow between trees and bush. :)
petek, 11. julij 2014
četrtek, 10. julij 2014
#190 Dogovor
Ker že kar nekaj let nisem bila na dopustu, sem sklenila dogovor sama s sabo, da se bom drugo leto takle čas pražila na obali.
ENG: ''Agreement'' - Since I haven't been on vacation for many years now, I've made an agreement to lie on the beach this time next year.
ponedeljek, 7. julij 2014
nedelja, 6. julij 2014
sobota, 5. julij 2014
#185 Nepredstavljiv
Ne predstavljam si dneva brez velike skodlice kave. :)
ENG: ''Unimaginable'' - I can't imagine a day without a big cup of coffee. :)
četrtek, 3. julij 2014
sreda, 2. julij 2014
#183 Tu stojim
Pred ogledalom z mokrimi lasmi v turbanu. :)
ENG: ''Here I Stand'' - In front of a mirror with wet hair in a turban. :)
#182 Jaz, danes
Danes sem naredila domači losjon za britje: pol skodelice šampona, 1 (in pol) skodelice balzama za lase in 5 jedilnih žlic losjona za telo. :)
ENG: ''Me, Today'' - Today, I created a homemade shaving lotion: half a cup of shampoo, 1 (and a half) cup of conditioner and 5 tbsps of body lotion. :)
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