sobota, 31. maj 2014

petek, 30. maj 2014

#150 Negovan

Ponavadi se češeva zunaj, danes pa dežuje in sva se prestavila noter. :)

ENG: ''Taken Care of'' - I usually groom his fur outside, but it's raining today, so we stayed inside. :)

#149 Gladek

Razni losjoni in kremice za gladko in mehko kožo.

ENG: ''Smooth'' - All kinds of lotions and creams for a smooth and soft skin.

#148 Različno velik

Različnih oblik in velikosti.

ENG: ''Different Sizes'' - Different shapes and sizes.

torek, 27. maj 2014

#147 Oranžna

Živo oranžne nogavičke.

ENG: ''Orange''- Bright orange socks.

#146 Kričeč

Kričeče barve, foto filtri ...

ENG: ''Screaming'' ... colour, photo filters etc.

#145 Berem

Dan birme in izživljanje na orglah ob zaključku maše. :)

ENG: ''I Read'' - The day of confirmation and goofing off with the organ at the end of mass. :)

četrtek, 22. maj 2014

#142 Učen

Tudi za transpozicijo še tako preproste pesmi moraš biti malo učen. :)

ENG: ''Learned'' - For the transposition of even the simplest song you have to be a little learned. :)

#141 Izoliran

Slika je moja vendar simbolična. Ponazarja pa številne ljudi, ki so tako ali drugače izolirani od sveta.

ENG: ''Isolated'' - This photo is mine but it's symbolic. It represents all the people that are in one way or the other isolated from the world.

torek, 20. maj 2014

#140 Izbran

Izbrana knjiga za nocojšnje večerno branje pred spanjem.

ENG: ''Chosen'' - I chose this book to read before I go to sleep tonight.

ponedeljek, 19. maj 2014

#139 Ključ

Lahko bi bil ključ, ki odklene vsako ključavnico. ;)

ENG: ''Key'' - It could be the 'skeleton key'. ;)

nedelja, 18. maj 2014

sobota, 17. maj 2014

#137 Dan

Vsak dan se začne z zajtrkom in kavo. 

ENG: ''Day'' - Each day starts with breakfast and coffee.

petek, 16. maj 2014

četrtek, 15. maj 2014

#135 Radoveden

Mačke že od nekdaj veljajo za ene izmed najbolj radovednih živali. :)

ENG: ''Curious'' - Cats have always been known to be extremely curious. :)

sreda, 14. maj 2014

#134 Voda

Gospa in gospod Racman plavata proti toku, stran od mene. :)

ENG: ''Water'' - Mrs. and Mr. Drake are swimming against the current, away from me. :)

torek, 13. maj 2014

#133 Šumeč

Šumeča tableta v kozarcu vode.

ENG: ''Effervescent'' - An effervescent tablet in a glass of water.

ponedeljek, 12. maj 2014

#132 Strah

Strah pred pajki. Hvala Bogu imam doma samo tele suhce. Nebi rada srečala kakšne tarantele. 

ENG: ''Fear''... of spiders. Thank God I only have these skinny ones at home. I wouldn't want to meet a tarantula.

#131 Pika

Pikaste nogavice.

ENG: ''Dot'' - Socks with dots.

#130 Smeh

Nasmejana sestrica pred vhodom v Opičji hrib v Avstriji.

ENG: ''Laughter'' - My sister smiling before entering Affenberg (the Monkey hill) in Austria.

#129 Lonec

Tale lonec še vedno čaka na svojo rožico.

ENG: ''Pot'' - This pot is still waiting for its flower.

četrtek, 8. maj 2014

#128 Toplota

Nastavljanje sončku, kjer je prijetno toplo. :)

ENG: ''Heat'' -Lying in the sun where it's neatly warm. :)

#127 Dež

Dežne kaplje na vetrobranskem steklu.

ENG: ''Rain'' - Raindrops on the windshield.

sreda, 7. maj 2014

#126 Zvok

Dobri stari mp3 player nikoli ne zgreši. :)

ENG: ''Sound'' - A good old mp3 player always provides great sound. :)

#125 Razdalja

Razdalja med mano in gorami je kar precejšnja. 

ENG: ''Distance'' - There is a huge distance between me and the mountains. 

nedelja, 4. maj 2014

#124 Luč

Za popoln mejkap je potrebno veliko svetlobe. :)

ENG: ''Light'' - For a perfect make-up you need a lot of light. :)

sobota, 3. maj 2014

#123 Detajl

Vsak detajl pri izdelavi te mojstrovine je pomemben. :)

ENG: ''Detail'' - Every detail is important for making this masterpiece. :)

petek, 2. maj 2014

četrtek, 1. maj 2014

#121 Jaz, danes

Danes sem se sladkala v Trojanah. :)

ENG: ''Me, Today'' - Today I was enyoing this cream slice in Trojane. :)