sreda, 30. april 2014
#120 Se igram
S telefonom se igram skoraj 24 ur na dan. Sms-ki, internet ipd. :)
ENG: ''I Play With'' ... my phone every day. Text messages, internet etc. :)
torek, 29. april 2014
ponedeljek, 28. april 2014
#118 Tekstura
Tale čudovit Europark v Celovcu je prava paša za oči. :)
ENG: ''Texture'' - This wonderful Europark in Klagenfurt is a real treat for the eyes. :)
#117 Barvan
Ko so moji lasje sveže barvani, so take barve. :)
ENG: ''Coloured'' - When my hair is freshly coloured it's this colour. :)
#116 Lov
Brrrr... Spet eno izmed lovskih zbiranj.
ENG: ''Hunt'' - Brrrr... Another of those hunter gatherings.
petek, 25. april 2014
#115 Hitrost
Počasi se daleč pride, pravijo. Ni potrebno vedno tako hiteti.
ENG: ''Speed'' - Just take it slow. It doesn't always have to be so fast.
sreda, 23. april 2014
ponedeljek, 21. april 2014
#111 Zavržen
Že od nekdaj pobiram zavržene živali. Med njimi je bil tudi moj Tobi. :)
ENG: ''Abandoned'' - I've been picking up abandoned animals from the streets since I can remember. Among those was also my Tobi. :)
nedelja, 20. april 2014
#110 Urejen
Moja knjižna polica ni urejena po avtorjih ampak po žanrih. :)
ENG: ''In order'' - The books on my bookshelf are not in alphabetical order, because I have the books stored by genre. :)
#109 Korak
Župnik je pri blagoslovu velikonočnih jedi povedal, da se srečujemo s križem na vsakem koraku (tako metaforično kot simbolično).
ENG: ''Step'' - Our priest told us that we meet the cross on every step of our way (may it be metaphorically or symbolically).
petek, 18. april 2014
#108 Dlan
Trenutno moja leva dlan izgleda takole. :/
ENG: ''Palm'' - My left palm currently looks like this. :/
#107 Pozabljen
Ob posvečanju orglam, sem malo pozabila na kitaro.
ENG: ''Forgotten'' - My dedication to pipe organ made me forget about my guitar.
sreda, 16. april 2014
#106 Aktiven
Zaloga ''pain killerjev'' aktivno skrbi, da ne čutim, kako mi kljuva v povezanem prstu.
ENG: ''Active'' - A fair supply of pain killers is actively taking care of my pain. I can't feel a thing.
#105 Odprt
Tale kuharica je bila odprta, ko sem si med rezanjem čebule odrezala del prsta. :/
ENG: ''Open'' - This cookbook was opened when I cut off a piece of my finger during slicing an onion. :/
ponedeljek, 14. april 2014
#104 Ogledalo
Vsaka izmed nas je lepa. Ne potrebujete mejkapa, samo poglejte se v ogledalo in se nasmehnite. :)
ENG: ''Mirror'' - Each of us is beautiful. You don't need make-up. Just look yourself in the mirror and smile. :)
nedelja, 13. april 2014
#102 Me spreminja
Ličila mi vsak dan malce spremenijo podobo. :)
ENG: ''It Changes Me'' - Make-up changes my image everyday. :)
petek, 11. april 2014
#101 Končno
Končno sem nehala objemati wc-školjko. Trebušna viroza se poslavlja.
ENG: ''Finally'' - I finally stopped hugging the toilet seat. The nasty stomach flu is saying good-bye.
#100 Ponudba
Žalostna včerajšnja ponudba prostih delavnih mest. :/
ENG: ''Offer'' - A very sad offer of yesterday's job listings. :/
#99 Podarjen
Tele uhančke mi je prinesla mami z dopusta. :)
ENG: ''Received (as a gift)'' - My mom brought me these earrings from her holiday. :)
torek, 8. april 2014
#98 Dvignjen
Za lepe nohtke na nogah, morajo biti stopala dvignjena. :)
ENG: ''Lifted'' - For pretty toenails the feet have to be lifted. :)
#97 99
Verjetno je tudi toliko lističev. Nisem štela. :P
ENG: ''99'' - There are probably these many sheets of paper. I didn't count them. :P
petek, 4. april 2014
#94 Zlata
Seveda se tudi zlata najde v moji mejkap kolekciji. :)
ENG: ''Gold''- Yup, you can find gold in my make-up collection too. :)
četrtek, 3. april 2014
#92 Tu stojim
Tu stojim v živo modrih nogavičkah na pasji preprogici. :)
ENG: ''Here I Stand''... in vibrant blue socks on a puppy carpet. :)
#91 Jaz, danes
Na sončku, da dobim malo barve in vitamina D! :)
ENG: ''Me, Today''- Sunbathing - to get some tan and vitamin D! :)
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