ponedeljek, 31. marec 2014
#90 V torbi
To je samo vrh ledene gore. V moji torbi se skriva še marsikaj. :)
ENG: ''In a Bag'' - This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are still many things hidden in my bag. :)
nedelja, 30. marec 2014
#89 Sredina
Zadaj srce, spredaj srce, na sredini srček! :)
ENG: ''Middle'' - A heart at the back, a heart in the front and a little heart in the middle! :)
#87 Shranjen
Shranjen na dnu koktajla. Za pozneje. :P
ENG: ''Saved'' - Saved at the bottom of this cocktail. For later. :P
četrtek, 27. marec 2014
#86 Dogovor
Dogovor sama s sabo, da do rojstnega dne postanem bolj fit. :)
ENG: ''Agreement'' - I made an agreement with myself to be fitter on my birthday. Two months to go! :)
sreda, 26. marec 2014
#85 Berem
Zelo me je navdušila njena knjiga 'Labirint', zato sedaj berem njen drugi roman.
ENG: ''I Read'' - I really enjoyed her first novel 'The Labyrinth', so I am currently reading her second one. :)
torek, 25. marec 2014
#84 Skupen prostor
Cerkev - skupni prostor večine kristjanov. :)
ENG: ''Common Place'' - The church is the common place for most Christians. :)
#83 Hvala
Največja zahvala gre mojim staršem. Najboljšim na svetu! :)
ENG: ''Thank You'' - My biggest thanks goes to my parents. They are world's best parents! :)
nedelja, 23. marec 2014
sobota, 22. marec 2014
#81 Zbirka
Ena izmed mojih zbirk ličil: balzami, lip glosi, šminke, senčke... :)
ENG: ''Collection'' - One of my make-up collections: lip balms, lip glosses, lipsticks, eye shadows,... :)
petek, 21. marec 2014
#80 Čas zame
Peneča kopel!!!! Razlaga ni potrebna. :)
ENG: ''Time for Me'' - A bubble bath!!! Need I say more? :)
#79 Rumena
Prvi dan pomladi - rumena barva. :) Cote, mejkap in dodatki. :)
ENG: ''Yellow'' - Everything yellow on the first day of Spring - clothes, make-up and accessories. :)
#78 Ukrivljen
Za kake bolj gimnastične podvige rabim še nekaj vaje. :D
ENG: ''Bent'' - For more gymnastic moves I need some practice. :D
torek, 18. marec 2014
#77 Sreča
Frej dan, razvajanje, kava in dobra knjiga! To je to! :)
ENG: ''Happiness'' - A day off, pampering, coffee and a good book! It's all I need! :)
#76 Dvojen
Kadar sta moji maci takole skupaj, so vedno dvojne težave na vidiku. :)
ENG: ''Double''... trouble when these two ladies are together. ;)
#75 Več
Vedno več rastlin je sedaj zaščitenih, med njimi tudi velikonočnica.
ENG: ''More''... and more plants are now protected, this Easter flower being one of them.
sobota, 15. marec 2014
#74 Pomlad
Ko na plan pokukajo narcise, potem veš, da je pomlad zelo blizu. :)
ENG: ''Spring'' - When daffodils awaken, you know Spring is near. :)
#73 Točka
Misteriozna točka G... Le kje se skriva? ;)
ENG: ''Point'' - In English it is known as the 'G-spot', but you get the point. ;)
četrtek, 13. marec 2014
#71 Simetrija
Pravilno senčenje obraza, poda le-temu pravo simetrijo in lepši izgled. :)
ENG: ''Symmetry''- The right contouring of the face brings out its correct symmetry and it makes the face more slimming and beautiful. :)
#70 Frustracija
Zame frustracija? Učenje za strokovni izpit. :/
ENG: ''Frustration'' - For me it's studying for the professional exam. :/
ponedeljek, 10. marec 2014
#69 Avantura
Žogica in kuža - vedno nova avantura. :)
ENG: ''Adventure'' - A ball and a dog - always a new adventure. :)
#67 Nasmeh
Življenje je nasplošno bolj veselo, če imaš psa. In tale kosmata kepa mi vedno nariše nasmeh na obraz. :)
ENG: ''Smile'' - Life is really happier when you have a dog. This fur ball always brings a smile to my face. :)
petek, 7. marec 2014
#66 Skupaj
S Tobijem sva skupaj že 2 leti. :) On je res moj najboljši prijatelj. :)
ENG: ''Together'' - It's been 2 years since Tobi came into my life and he is really my best friend. :)
#65 Dar
Lansko leto sem za svojo 30-ko dobila tole zverino. :) Zdaj sem na dobri poti, da postanem boljša fotografinja.
ENG: ''Gift'' - I got this baby for my 30th B-day last year. Now I am on my way to becoming a better photographer. :)
#64 Prikrit
Kar je prikrito, je lahko zelo zabavno. ;)
ENG: ''Hidden'' - That which is hidden can be most entertaining. ;)
torek, 4. marec 2014
#62 Gor
Luč na stropu oddaja ustvarja čudovite sence.
ENG: ''Up'' - Up on the ceiling the light is creating wonderful shadows.
nedelja, 2. marec 2014
#61 Tu stojim
Tu stojim v svojih super duper čeveljcih in se pripravljam na maškaradno zabavo. :)
ENG: ''Here I Stand''... in my awesome high-heeled shoes and getting ready for the mascarade ball. :)
#60 Jaz, danes
Danes sem pela altovski solo iz čudovite Mozartove maše v C duru. :)
ENG: ''Me, Today'' - Today I sang the alto solo from the wonderful Mozart's Missa Brevis in C. :)
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