petek, 31. januar 2014
#31 Tuje
Kot učiteljica prvega tujega jezika, sem vedno založena s takimi in drugačnimi učbeniki. :)
ENG: ''Foreign'' - As a teacher of a foreign language I am always surrounded by different school books. :)
četrtek, 30. januar 2014
#30 Modra
Jeeeeej, reklama za najboljšo kremo na svetu! :) Meni res super tale kremca v svoji prepoznavni modri barvi, sploh za tele zimske dni, ko je koža še bolj izsušena. :)
ENG: ''Blue'' - Yaaaaaay, a commercial for the best cream in the world. :) In its famous blue container this cream is perfect for winter days such as today, when my skin gets extra dry. :)
sreda, 29. januar 2014
#29 Nedolžnost
Nedolžni so tile popki orhideje, ki se prebujajo v novo življenje. :)
ENG: ''Innocence'' - Innocent are these orchid buds waking up into a new life. :)
torek, 28. januar 2014
#28 Rastem
K mamici sem prišla čisto drobcena bela kepica. Mamica ni vedela, da sem že od rojstva gluha, zato je bila velikokrat v skrbeh, ko me je klicala in iskala in me ni bilo na spregled. Počasi rastem in se spreminjam v pravo mično mačjo gospodično. :) Imam najboljšo mamico na svetu, ki me je sprejela takšno kot sem in zame zelo lepo skrbi. :)
ENG: ''I Grow'' - When my mommy got me I was a tiny white ball of fur. My mommy didn't know that I was born deaf, so she often worried when I didn't hear her calling me. I am slowly growing and turning into a beautiful kitty princess. :) I have the best mommy in the world who accepted me the way I am. :) She takes really good care of me. :)
ponedeljek, 27. januar 2014
#27 Domišljija
Polna škatla drobnih stvari, ki čakajo, da se iz njih naredi nekaj čudovitega. Pusti domišljiji pot. :)
ENG: ''Imagination'' - A box filled with goodies that wait to be created into someting amazing. Let your imagination lead the way. :)
nedelja, 26. januar 2014
#26 Notri
Danes je bil spet eden tistih idealnih dni za lenarjenje. :) Tisto, ko se ti nič ne da. :) Zunaj mraz, jaz pa lepo notri zavita v dekico, z najljubšo knjigo in najboljšo kosmato družbo. :)
ENG: ''Inside'' - It was again one of those perfect days to lounge around. :) One of those days when you just feel like not doing anything. :) There is cold outside, but inside I am covered with a warm blanket, with my favourite book and the best furry company in the world. :)
sobota, 25. januar 2014
#25 Jutro
Vsako jutro je obvezna skodelica vroče kave. :) Najraje jo spijem ob pogledu skozi okno ali na balkonu. :) Danes je bilo jutro sploh idealno, ko me je prebudil sonček. :)
ENG: ''Morning'' - A cup of steamy hot coffee is necessary every morning. :) I like to drink it while looking through a window or on the balcony. It was a superb morning today, when I was awoken by the sun. :)
petek, 24. januar 2014
#24 Igra
Prvi sneg in čas za igro. :) Tako sta se v snegu zabavala moj Tobi in njegov kolega s sosednjega brega. :)
ENG: ''Play'' - First snowflakes mean awesome playtime. :) This is how my Tobi and his buddy started playing around in the snow. :)
četrtek, 23. januar 2014
#23 Pogled
Danes je bil en tak neinspiracijski dan, zato sem se odločila slikati svoj ''ta resn'' pogled. :D
ENG: ''A Look'' - Today was a very uninspirational day, so I just took a selfie of my ''serious'' look. :D
sreda, 22. januar 2014
#22 Odkrito
Tole srčkano ovčko sem danes odkrila v trgovini in se odločila, da jo kar posvojim. :)
ENG: 'Discovered' - I discovered this cute little sheep today in a store and decided to immediately adopt it. :)
torek, 21. januar 2014
#21 Berem
Najraje prebiram kriminalne in fantazijske romane. Trenutno berem ta novo knjigo Dana Browna 'Inferno'. :) Priporočam vsem entuziastom kriminalk začinjenih s teorijami zarote. :)
ENG: ''I read'' - I mostly read crime and fantasy novels. :) Currently I am reading the new book by Dan Brown 'Inferno'. :) I recommend it to anyone who has a passion for crime thrillers with a taste of conspiracy theory. :)
ponedeljek, 20. januar 2014
#20 Pristno
Pristna je prav vsaka izmed teh 4-peresnih deteljic. Štiriperesne deteljice so kot prstni vtisi. Tudi dve nista enaki. Pravijo, da boš imel veliko srečo, če najdeš tako deteljico. Jaz sem jih lani našla okrog 50. Zdaj so suhe in shranjene med platnicami knjig. Večino sem jih že razdelila med prijatelje v obliki razglednic, kazal za knjige itd. Ostale pa še čakajo na svoje lastnike. :)
ENG: ''Genuine''...Each of these four-leaf clovers is genuine. They are like fingerprints. Unique. No two are alike. They say that you'll have luck if you find a four-leaf clover. I found around 50 such clovers last year. They have dried up and are stored between book covers. I've given most of them away to my friends. I made them into greeting cards, postcards, bookmarks etc. Others are still waiting for their owners. :)
nedelja, 19. januar 2014
#19 Obiskovalec
Tale mali žužek je eden izmed mnogih, ki zadnje čase obiskujejo mojo hišo. Na srečo ni ostal dolgo na obisku. :)
ENG: ''Visitor'' - This little critter is one of many that keeps visting my house lately. Fortunately, it didn't stay long. :)
sobota, 18. januar 2014
#18 Navaden
Spet en navaden deževen dan, ko bi preprosto spala cel dan, če bi lahko. :) Ob takih dnevih nimam nobene posebne inspiracije za ustvarjanje, zato sem si danes prižgala najljubši film, vzela navadni svinčnik in list papirja in med gledanjem kracala po listu (nikoli ne morem v miru gledati filma - pozornost hrčka :D ). Na koncu je nastala tale mojstrovina. :)
ENG: ''Ordinary'' - It's yet another ordinary rainy day, when I wish I could sleep all day long. :) At days like these I have completely no inspiration for creating, so today I turned on my favourite film, took a pencil and a piece of paper and started doodling (I can never watch a movie in peace - have attention of a hamster :D ). In the end I was left with this great masterpiece. :)
petek, 17. januar 2014
#17 Dom
Današnja fotka je bila izziv. Na koncu sem se odločila, da bom slikala svoji 2 sobi, saj sem namreč ena izmed redkih, ki ima kar 2 domova. :) Prva slika prikazuje sobo v domu, kjer sem odraščala, druga pa sobo v domu, kjer živim sedaj. :) Povsod je lepo, a doma je najlepše, kajne? :)
ENG: 'Home' - Today's photo was really a challenge for me. In the end I decided to take photos of both my rooms. I am one of those rare lucky people who have 2 homes and not just one. :) The first photo is of my room from the home I grew up in and the second is from the home I'm currently living in :) However, people say that home is where the heart is. :)
četrtek, 16. januar 2014
#16 Velik
Veliko je mesto Pariz. :) Že od nekdaj si ga želim videti. :) Mogoče se mi pa letos želja uresniči. :)
ENG: ''Big''... is the city of Paris. :) I've always had a wish to see it in person. :) Maybe this year my wish comes true. :)
sreda, 15. januar 2014
#15 Me nasmeji
Najbolj me nasmeji tale pasja faca. :) Vsak dan. :)
ENG: ''Makes me smile'' - My dog knows how to cheer me up every single day, whether be a good or a bad day. :) All I have to do is look into those big puppy eyes and his wagging tail. :)
torek, 14. januar 2014
#14 Zunaj
Spet en tih deževen dan. Sredi januarja, ko bi praviloma moralo snežiti. Ah, narobe svet. ;)
ENG: ''Outside'' - Yet another rainy day. And in the middle of January, I might add. It's supposed to be snowing. There's something really wrong with this world. ;)
ponedeljek, 13. januar 2014
#13 Sanje
To je sicer že malce bolj osebna tema, vendar moje sanje niso materialne. Sanjam o tem, da bi bila spet zaljubljena do ušes. :) Tokrat upam, da s srečnim koncem brez zlomljenega srca. :)
ENG: ''Dreams''- This is a somewhat personal topic, but my dreams aren't materialistic. I dream of being madly in love again. :) This time, hopefully, with a happy ending and without a broken heart. :)
nedelja, 12. januar 2014
#12 Šibek
... oz. šibka je bila danes moja mami. :/ Tudi njej viroza očitno ni prizanesla, tako da so namesto torte (danes namreč praznuje) mizo krasili robčki in vitaminčki. :/ Mami, upam, da se hitro pozdraviš. :)
P.S.: hvala za poziranje! ;)
ENG: ''Weak''... was my mom today. The darndest flu didn't even spare her. :/ So, instead of a cake (she is celebrating today) there were paper tissues and vitamins on the table. :/ Get well soon, Mom! :) Love ya! :)
P.S.: ...and thanks for posing in front of the camera. ;)
sobota, 11. januar 2014
#11 Rdeča
... je moja najljubša barva šminke. :) Brez nje ne grem nikamor in v vsaki torbici se najde ena. :)
ENG: ''Red''... is my favourite lipstick colour. :) I never go anywhere without it and you can find at least one red lipstick in my purse.
petek, 10. januar 2014
#10 Resnično
... je to, da sem knjižni molj. :) Kot prfoksa angleščine obožujem knjige v angleškem jeziku. :) Resnično je tudi to, da imam tako veliko knjig na razpolago, da včasih berem več knjig naenkrat. :)
ENG: ''Real''... is the fact that I'm a bookworm. :) As an English teacher I love books in English. Real is also the fact that I have so many books to choose from, I sometimes read more than one book at a time. :)
četrtek, 9. januar 2014
#9 Tu stojim
... v mojih najbolj udobnih copatkah in z najboljšo družbo na svetu. :)
ENG: ''Here I Stand''... in my most comfortable slippers with my dog waiting for his treat. :)
sreda, 8. januar 2014
#8 V zraku
Sončni zahod ali, če povzamemo metaforično - upanje! Kot lučka sredi teme. :) Ostati je treba pozitiven, saj za vsakim oblakom posije sonček. :)
ENG: Today's title is ''In the Air''. I took the photo metaphorically. It means that every cloud has a silver lining - a light surrounded by darkness. Just stay positive! :)
torek, 7. januar 2014
#7 Odsev
Fotka je bila sicer ustvarjena 1. januarja, vendar se mi zdi idealna za današnji foto izziv. :)
ENG: The title for today's photo challenge is ''Reflection''. This photo was created January 1st, but I think it's suits the title. :)
ponedeljek, 6. januar 2014
#6 Pozabljen
Se še spomnite bejbe, kako smo včasih pisale dnevnik? :) Jaz sem pri pisanju svojega vztrajala vrsto let in še zdaj kaj vanj zapišem, čeprav zaradi natrpanega urnika tale dnevnik tone v pozabo.
ENG: The title of today's photo challenge is ''Forgotten''. Girls, do you remember, how we used to write diaries when we were teenagers? Well, I've been writing my diary for many years. However, in the past few months I've seem to forgotten all about it.
nedelja, 5. januar 2014
#5 Dobro
Najboljša stvar na svetu - kava! Sploh, če si organist tako kot jaz in prideš od maše ves zmrznjen in zaspan, te tale mali čudež takoj pogreje in prebudi. :)
ENG: The title for today's photo is ''Good''. Coffee is not just good it's the best thing ever. My favourite thing in the morning. It's especially good if you're a church organist like me and you come home from Sunday mass all frozen and sleepy. It warms and wakes you up like a charm. Love it! :)
sobota, 4. januar 2014
#4 Tihožitje
Tale prikupen šopek krasi mojo mizo v kuhinji. Čeprav je jesenska dekoracija, ga prazniki niso zmotili. :) Kvačkane mojstrovine moje babice pa krasijo skoraj vsako sobo v hiši. :)
Tehnika tihožitja mi je bila vedno tuja, kadar smo jo morali risati v šoli, tako da mi je bila današnja fotka kar velik izziv, ki je zahtevala brundanje strica Gugla. Mislim, da mi je uspelo, in da bi bila prfoksa likovne vzgoje nad mano prvič navdušena. :)
ENG: Today's title is ''Still Life''. This technique was always strange to me in art classes and it was quite a challenge for today's photo. However, I think I nailed it. :)
petek, 3. januar 2014
#3 Prehod
Danes se je za poizkus pobega na prostost odločila gluha mucica Snowy. K sreči sem jo ujela pravi čas (in kot nalašč klik za fotko) :)
ENG: Today's title is 'The Passage' and I included this kitty's failed attempt to flee to freedom. :) It was one of those lucky caught-in-the-act moments for a photo. :)
četrtek, 2. januar 2014
#2 Jaz, danes
Danes je dan zaznamovan s prebolevanjem praznikov in srečevanjem z realnostjo novega delavnega dne. Temu namenoma sem prižgala eno svečko s prazničnim motivom. :)
ENG: Today's title is 'Me, today'. In honour of today I lit a candle to remember the past holiday spirit. :)
sreda, 1. januar 2014
#1 Obljuba
First day of a brand new year - first photo. Let this year be a year of triumphs and success. :)
To everyone who is interested: it's a photography project where you take a photo each day and post it on line. It doesn't matter whether you're a professional photographer or not. You just need a camera (phone, compact, DSLR,..).
I think it's a neat project to keep me busy and motivated throughout the year. :)
Today's title of the picture is The Promise and with the picture I wanted to say that this year I promise to start anew - be more positive, optimistic, forgiving etc.
SLO: Če koga zanima: to je foto projekt, kjer ustvariš eno fotko na dan in jo objaviš na netu. Ni ti treba biti profi v fotkanju, važno je le, da imaš neke vrste aparat za fotkat (telefon, kompaktni, DSLR,...). Pa seveda veliko motivacije, da temu projektu slediš. Ni potrebno, da so fotke popolne. Najboljše fotke so tako ali tako spontane. :)
Naslov današnje fotke je Obljuba in za letos sem sklenila, da bom začela na novo - da bom bolj pozitivna, optimistična itd. :)
DISCLAIMER: Projekta si nisem izmislila jaz, ampak sem idejo dobila tukaj:
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